Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer is almost over!

Well, it's back to school next Tuesday. It's a bittersweet time. I love being home with the kids, and I feel guilty for putting MeeNa in daycare. I was home with the boys longer. On the other hand, I am just that kind of person who likes to get up and go to work. I can hear some of you saying, "You're strange!" hee hee So, here are some of our end-of-summer pics.

Auntie Red came to town for a visit. Boy, was she a busy woman that week. We had lots of fun with her!!! The Shedd Aquarium, CoCo Keys, Sonic (the new fast food in town with totally awesome milk shakes,) and MeeNa's first birthday pictures were just a few things we did with her. Thanks so much for coming to see us, spend time with us, and everything else. We'll see you in two years in Florida!

One last thing, Anthony lost his first tooth! He just yanked it out!

Monday, July 20, 2009

More pics

Summer 2009

We have all had one busy summer this year! The boys' birthday, MeeNa turned 1 and was baptized, we vacationed at Omi and Opa's house in the tent, Cub Scout camp and activities, a HUGE garage sale. Jeesh - it's almost more relaxing to be at work? Hee hee. Here are some pictures of our summer memories.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Family update

Here are updated pictures. MeeNa picked up the strawberries first and then a hair brush for her birthday ceremony. I love the way she looks in her Korean birthday attire.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I don't know how anyone can find the time to update their blogs. I'm having a hard time! I will try to post more later next week. The boys are in Chemistry camp this week. Last week it was Cub Scout camp! We are vacationing next week Wed. thru Sun. Here we go again. I hope it's much more relaxing. : )

Stay tuned

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Silly MeeNa

Meena is so funny. Here are some pictures reflecting her eating habits. She is going to be nicknamed "Messy MeeNa." She is so funny to me. She fits right into our family. She's a bit stubborn, head strong, and loves to have fun.

She is making "fish face" in one of these pictures. She mocks me, especially when I eat. Wait a minute, did I just insult myself? I can guarantee you that I don't eat like this. hee hee

The quilt you see was a gift from my friend Edith. I just have to brag about how beautiful and colorful it is. It has a bunch of textures on it that MeeNa likes to touch and check out. She loves it! Thanks Edith.... you did such a great job!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My little MeeNa B. She wasn't digging the camera when I put that little headband on. I just can't seem to control her hair. She has about as much as I do. hee hee.

And look at her with her godmother, Shannon. She is just sleeping like an angel in her arms. MeeNa will be wearing Shannon's christening outfit for her own christening. Isn't that sweet? It's funny. Shannon must have been a little porker or something. What she wore when she was about 3 months old is going to fit my little peanut at almost 11 months old. Ha! Just kidding Shannon. : )

I had a funny thought the other day.... Justin (the godfather... no, not THE godfather. hee hee) was adopted by his stepdad several years back. It's funny to think that they have a special bond with each other. I'm praying that Justin can be a support for MeeNa if she ever needs to talk to another adopted person in her future. Of course, we would support her. But, Justin is closer to the experience than anyone else is. Hmmmm. It's a weird coincidence that Justin is the godfather. It never popped in my mind until recently.

Justin is going into the army June 2nd. Pray for his safety! It always scares me when someone I love joins the military. Especially now.

I am not as prompt as I should be.... I will be sending out thank you notes to everyone who gave MeeNa a little something. I haven't gotten to them yet, but will shortly. I just want to thank everyone now for the gifts she received. Thank you so much for every little outfit, hand me down, toy, gentle gesture, and support you have given her and her family. : )

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Day!

MeeNa was digging our spring day. Isn't she cute? She loves the camera, and I think she's quite photogenic. Of course, I'm not bias. NOT! She's such a pretty little girl to me. I just love how she looks into the camera when you take her picture. So far she is doing extremely well. She's a bit crabby at times, but so am I. HA!

My favorite pictures

This is my 'gotcha' day. It's the first time I held MeeNa. I like the second one too. That's my second favorite. The boys are so silly. The were chowing down on their pretzels. They were so patient at the airport.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More pics

I'm trying to figure out how to setup a slideshow. Until then, here is another pic.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

They're home

Here is just one picture of the family, well, almost the family. These are The Three Muskateers who battled the long flight from South Korea. I will post more soon.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I spoke to Mike this morning!

Here is the run down:

They got there just fine, but their butts hurt from sitting so long on the plane. hee hee The cab ride was an hour from Incheon airport to the hotel and cost $100. For all of those future travelers... take the bus shuttle to the hotel if ESWS can't be there to pick you up. I'm sure it's cheaper. I'm not sure if Mike was aware of the buses, there is a list of hotels at the exit for the shuttles.

He got to see MeeNa! She is a real cutie, he said. She is 17kg = 37.4 lbs.? I'm not sure about this. It is either 7kg or 7.7kg. That would make more sense because she will be between 15-17lbs. He said she was a chunky monkey. She would play with him and go to the foster mom for reassurance. He is having a hard time getting the laptop connected to the internet to send pictures, sorry.

He gets to see her tomorrow (well, when we are sleeping) for awhile. They will have lunch at the agency. Friday morning they will go back to the agency to pick up MeeNa and be driven to the airport. Phew! I can't wait until he is home. I told him this morning that he should get the video camera running before he sees me. I want my, the boys, and Omi's reactions on tape. Especially the boys.

Well, toodles....

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Mike and Hans are about to board a plane to Korea! It is Sunday morning and I just got off the phone with Mike. He is waiting for the plane. I'm so excited I can't even think about this because I'll begin to cry. And I'm NOT a cry baby but will totally break down if I think about holding that cutie in my arms for the first time.

I'm so glad we are nearing the final phases of this process. It sure has been hectic. I know God is trying to teach me patience. I hope he has succeeded. If not, I have learned a lot about faith anyway.

Mike, Hans and MeeNa will return Friday morning. I can't wait to speed walk (I won't run and scare the poor thing) in the airport and just feel her warm little body when I pick her up. I can't wait to see a hopeful smile on her little face. I can't wait until she holds me in return or giggles when I play with her. I can't wait until she splashes me and gets ME all wet in her first bath at home. I can't wait until I see her sleeping soundly with the most peaceful look on her face. And I have to ask myself if I have learned to be patient? Hmm. It's a no brainer. I will try my best!

I hope to update this blog as Mike sends me information. Please say a prayer for us. Pray that everyone returns home safely and that MeeNa enjoys her flight.

Stay tuned....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Easter at Gram's house

This was decorating Easter egg day at gramma's. She didn't want to be in the pictures, so I added Nana in there instead. Ha Nan, gotcha! The boys did very well this year - no spilling. However, I think Anthony had the dropsies because we had a few casualties on the floor.

I love how Anthony is wearing his Christmas turtleneck. He wears one every day. We are going to Morgan's 3rd birthday today. I'm showing off the slings I made because there are plenty of babies there to test them out on. I'll be calling DC Tuesday to see if ESWS sent our visa paperwork back. I believe prayer changes things (Hi Debbie!) so a prayer from you will help. God Bless!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The P3 Packet

I just called D.C. and they told me our P3 packet was sent to the Agency today. That means this... ESWS (Eastern aka: the agency in Korea) will receive this packet and send it back to the Embassy. This could take anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks. Once the Embassy receives this, they will set up the visa interview a couple of days later. After the interview, in a day or two we will anxiously await the TC (travel call!) Then HAPPY TRAVELS DADDY AND OPA to go get her!!! I just KNEW today was going to be a great day. I pray that the rest of this process will go as smoothly.

It is very strange though. Like Brooke said, "surreal." As much as I have waited for this, it seems to not have sunk in yet that she will be here soon. I walk past her bedroom, see the bottles in the cupboard, anxiously plan for what to pack for the trip here, etc. Then, I just blink and change my thoughts. Tears are always at the end of my eyelids when I think that we are so close.

I think back to when the boys were little. What was 10 months like? How can I prepare the house to be baby safe, yet not compromise and nag at the boys for their "older" and more dangerous toys for a baby scattered about the house? I know it will all come into place. It was definitely easier when the boys were at the same stages. I didn't have to worry so much because of them being so close in age. What worked for one, worked for the other.

Well, just in case you were wondering how this process was for us, here is a quick timeline....
1) Pregnant with Anthony on best rest since 12 weeks pregnant - doctor told me it was dangerous to have more kids - May 2003
2) In hospital for 8 weeks speaking to God, "Now what Lord? We were leaving this up to you. If this was girl, we had one boy/one girl and to stop having babies. It's a boy, so we asked to get pregnant again for a third, but that shouldn't happen now. If I shouldn't have more kids... what are you telling me? " - He spoke in return to ADOPT a girl! - June 2003
3) Waited until I finished my master's degree to begin applying for adoption - Dec. 2005
4) Home study completed, I171H received, fingerprints done, everything ready, logged in for China and just wait for about 1 year (HA!)- 9/6/2006
5) Sat there for 2 years..... We were told another 2-3 years waiting so we went on S. Korea's waiting list as a concurrent adoption, we wait AGAIN - Jan. 2008
6) Referral!! It's a girl! What a surprise as I made pink cupcakes that day - Nov. 26, 2008
7) Legal acceptance paperwork finished Dec. 3rd, off to DCFS - Dec. 30, 2008
8) DCFS approved - Jan. 30, 2009
9) CIS (immigration) approved - March 9, 2009
10) Nat'l Visa Center sent paperwork to S. Korea for visa - March 19, 2009
11) Embassy sends P3 to ESWS - March 26, 2009
12) yet to come - P3 sent back to Embassy
13) yet to come - Embassy schedules visa interview
14) yet to come - travel call
15) yet to come - trip to S. Korea to bring MeeNa home!!!!
Stay tuned. I apologize for this not being a shorter timeline. I can't figure out how to do that in the blog yet, and some of you want to know more info. anyway about the process. : ) I'm so happy right now!

May the good Lord help me to be patient for the time He has set to get MeeNa. Oh no, here come the tears again.