Sunday, April 5, 2009


Mike and Hans are about to board a plane to Korea! It is Sunday morning and I just got off the phone with Mike. He is waiting for the plane. I'm so excited I can't even think about this because I'll begin to cry. And I'm NOT a cry baby but will totally break down if I think about holding that cutie in my arms for the first time.

I'm so glad we are nearing the final phases of this process. It sure has been hectic. I know God is trying to teach me patience. I hope he has succeeded. If not, I have learned a lot about faith anyway.

Mike, Hans and MeeNa will return Friday morning. I can't wait to speed walk (I won't run and scare the poor thing) in the airport and just feel her warm little body when I pick her up. I can't wait to see a hopeful smile on her little face. I can't wait until she holds me in return or giggles when I play with her. I can't wait until she splashes me and gets ME all wet in her first bath at home. I can't wait until I see her sleeping soundly with the most peaceful look on her face. And I have to ask myself if I have learned to be patient? Hmm. It's a no brainer. I will try my best!

I hope to update this blog as Mike sends me information. Please say a prayer for us. Pray that everyone returns home safely and that MeeNa enjoys her flight.

Stay tuned....


  1. yay. You guys are definitely in my prayers!

  2. Safe travel wishes being send for Mike, Hans and MeeNa. Hang in there while Mike is away meeting your daughter and bringing her home.

  3. sending prayers your way and to Mike, Hans and MeeNa in Korea!!!

  4. That is so exciting! Hope they have a great trip :)
