Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I spoke to Mike this morning!

Here is the run down:

They got there just fine, but their butts hurt from sitting so long on the plane. hee hee The cab ride was an hour from Incheon airport to the hotel and cost $100. For all of those future travelers... take the bus shuttle to the hotel if ESWS can't be there to pick you up. I'm sure it's cheaper. I'm not sure if Mike was aware of the buses, there is a list of hotels at the exit for the shuttles.

He got to see MeeNa! She is a real cutie, he said. She is 17kg = 37.4 lbs.? I'm not sure about this. It is either 7kg or 7.7kg. That would make more sense because she will be between 15-17lbs. He said she was a chunky monkey. She would play with him and go to the foster mom for reassurance. He is having a hard time getting the laptop connected to the internet to send pictures, sorry.

He gets to see her tomorrow (well, when we are sleeping) for awhile. They will have lunch at the agency. Friday morning they will go back to the agency to pick up MeeNa and be driven to the airport. Phew! I can't wait until he is home. I told him this morning that he should get the video camera running before he sees me. I want my, the boys, and Omi's reactions on tape. Especially the boys.

Well, toodles....

1 comment:

  1. So exciting!! I keep meaning to call you in the morning, but time just gets away from me. Glad that Mike is keeping in touch regularly and doing well with Mee Na. Just think, only a couple of more days and she will be in your arms!
