Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summer is almost over!

Well, it's back to school next Tuesday. It's a bittersweet time. I love being home with the kids, and I feel guilty for putting MeeNa in daycare. I was home with the boys longer. On the other hand, I am just that kind of person who likes to get up and go to work. I can hear some of you saying, "You're strange!" hee hee So, here are some of our end-of-summer pics.

Auntie Red came to town for a visit. Boy, was she a busy woman that week. We had lots of fun with her!!! The Shedd Aquarium, CoCo Keys, Sonic (the new fast food in town with totally awesome milk shakes,) and MeeNa's first birthday pictures were just a few things we did with her. Thanks so much for coming to see us, spend time with us, and everything else. We'll see you in two years in Florida!

One last thing, Anthony lost his first tooth! He just yanked it out!


  1. Oh your family is just too cute! Are those dimples I see on MeeNa, adorable! Congrats to Anthony on losing his first tooth :)

  2. Check out that hair! She is getting so big!
    Don't feel bad - MeeNa will make lots of new friends at day care - it will be good for her!

  3. Beautiful family - and MeeNa looks like she's grown a lot! It's funny that it's a summer pic but you and your boys are dressed like it's fall... what strange summer weather we've had this year!

  4. The photos are great! Thanks for posting them!
